
Review of Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) use in relation to climate change and urban risk issues

This report was commissioned by the IFRC to re-examine the Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment process in the context of increased institutional experience in using VCA, along with changing risk patterns. In particular the review is to assess the relevance of VCA for dealing with urban risks and climate change. It looks closely at the continued […]

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Building Strong National Societies: Our common endeavour. A comprehensive framework

The IFRC has put together this document to outline a framework to make National Soceities strong. A strong National Society is one that is able to deliver country-wide, through a network of volutneer-based units, a relevant service to vulnerable people sustained for as long as needed. Being strong is an internal quality. A National Society

Building Strong National Societies: Our common endeavour. A comprehensive framework Read More »

Understanding community resilience and program factors that strengthen them: A comprehensive study of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies tsunami operation

Between October 2010 and September 2011, the IFRC commissioned an in-depth study of CBDRR programmes implemented as part of its tsunami operation. This study was carried out by ARUP International Development and sough to to answer key questions on CBDRR programming including: ‘what do communities perceive as the most important characteristics needed to be safe

Understanding community resilience and program factors that strengthen them: A comprehensive study of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies tsunami operation Read More »

Disaster Risk Reduction Programme: Summary of Lessons Learned and Recommendations

Between 2001 and 2008, the IFRC in partnership with the British Red Cross implemented a Disaster Reduction Programme with various National Societies in disaster-prone countries in East and Southern Africa and in South Asia. In the end, the programme spanned seven years in two separate phases, involving 11 countries and a total budget of CHF

Disaster Risk Reduction Programme: Summary of Lessons Learned and Recommendations Read More »

IFRC Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment Training Review

Vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) is a key element of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Societies’ (International Federation) disaster management systems. With support from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Humanitarian Assistance (ECHO), the VCA methodology was updated over 2006 and early 2007 and several National Societies

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Review of the implementation of the vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) methodology in the Caribbean region

This Review Report focuses on the Caribbean region, and aims to explain the process and methodology used for community-based disaster management (CBDM) activities, with emphasis on the vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) and whether new risk drivers, such as increased urbanisation and climate change are or can be incorporated in the VCA. Review of the implementation of

Review of the implementation of the vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) methodology in the Caribbean region Read More »

Review of ten vulnerability and capacity assessments: Central America and Mexico

The IFRC conducted a study to identify the main trends arising out of different VCAs in order to better understand some common themes in teh challenges being faced and identify the main obstacles that volunteers from teh Red Cross Societies may encounter during their itnerventions. The purpose of this analystical process is to formulate a

Review of ten vulnerability and capacity assessments: Central America and Mexico Read More »

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