
Better together: Working with local partners to build flood resilient infrastructure in Montenegro

The Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) provides a holistic and systematic picture of communities’ strengths and gaps when it comes to flood resilience. To address many entry points for flood resilience building, working with partners is essential. Therefore, the Red Cross of Montenegro partnered with the municipality of Golubovci on a flood resilient infrastructure […]

Better together: Working with local partners to build flood resilient infrastructure in Montenegro Read More »

Community brigades were put to the test during floods in Tabasco, Mexico

When Tabasco experienced the most severe floods in decades last autumn local community brigades were put to the test. Leveraging their human and social capital developed through our joint work they provided early warning and quickly organized first response operations in cooperation with Civil Protection and the Mexican Red Cross. Creating community brigades to build

Community brigades were put to the test during floods in Tabasco, Mexico Read More »

Launch Of Small Grants II: Call for Asia Pacific National Society and Youth Volunteer Urban Climate Resilience Proposals

As we witness the climate crisis, COVID-19, and an ever-evolving humanitarian landscape – understanding the urban context and enhanced urban resilience, remains a critical, cross-cutting issue underscoring our Red Cross Red Crescent work. Especially in the Asia Pacific – a primarily urban region. In the context of rapidly transforming cityscapes and growing urbanization, urban communities

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Climate Change Expands the Flooding Map

Climate Change Expands the Flooding Map   Floods are considered the most common natural disaster in the United States. According to EPA ‘United States Environmental protection Agency,’ River Flooding is one of the Climate Change Indicators. This particular indicator examines changes in the size and frequency of inland river flood events in the United States. Climate Change has strongly expanded and shifted the Flooding Map!   The

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Exploring co-benefits: Community-centred resilience building in times of Covid-19

As Covid-19 continues to affect communities globally, humanitarian and development organizations need to adapt our way of working. This case study from the Red Cross in the Philippines shows how programmes can be adapted to respond to communities’ acute needs regarding Covid-19 while maintaining a vital focus on flood resilience. Communities’ needs increased as the

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Taking large-scale action to raise disaster risk awareness in Albania

On the latest International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Albanian Red Cross partnered with the National Agency for Civil Protection, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, and the Ministry of Education and visited schools, city centres, and town halls across the country to raise awareness about hazards like floods and build a culture

Taking large-scale action to raise disaster risk awareness in Albania Read More »

Adaptability in Times of Covid-19: Exploring Digital Resilience Building

Traditional on-site and face-to-face resilience building activities are unavailable to humanitarian and development organizations due to the Coronavirus pandemic and related lockdowns. As communities across the globe still face risks in the form of Covid-19 as well as natural hazards like floods, finding practical ways to help communities strengthen their resilience is more important than

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New IFRC Report: Alarming Levels of Climate-related Displacement

Originally published on the IFRC website on March 16 2021. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) report, Responding to Disasters and Displacement in a Changing Climate, comes hot on the heels of a record-breaking 26 climate-related disaster response operations launched across Asia and the Pacific in 2020. Helen Brunt, Asia Pacific

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Zurich Flood Alliance

The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance: Global Partnership Local Actions

Floods affect more people globally than any other type of natural hazard. In the last ten years alone, floods have affected over 734 million people. Moreover, as a result of climate change, both the number of floods and their impact on affected communities are expected to increase dramatically. Since 2013, the IFRC has been participating

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Honduras Informe Nacional

Honduras se encuentra entre los primeros cinco países más vulnerables del planeta, según el índice de Riesgo Climático (IRC) que elabora cada año Germanwatch. Los efectos de los desastres impactan negativamente el desarrollo e incrementan la pobreza. En las dos últimas décadas, los desastres han ocasionado pérdidas y daños al país equivalentes a 5592 millones

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