Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

Upskilling for Resilience: A Guide to Free Online Disaster Preparedness Training

As disasters continue to challenge communities worldwide, it is crucial for disaster management practitioners to stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge, training, and skills to help keep communities safer during these crises. To aid in the professional development of this critical workforce, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) has curated a list of free online

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Insights for states and regions’ approaches to building resilience

This report summarizes the findings of the Resilience Series, a collaboration between Climate Group and Lloyd’s Register Foundation. Below are the findings of the Series – the challenges, the barriers, but also recommendations that will help communities cope with the challenges that climate change brings. The members’ input, in return, will help shape datasets across

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From Oyster Castles to Virtual Reality: Hong Kong Red Cross’ Innovative Approach to Building Resilience

At the forefront of building resilient communities, the Hong Kong Red Cross (Branch of Red Cross Society of China) is leading exciting disaster preparedness and risk reduction initiatives from local to international levels. Notably, its nature-based solutions work has garnered widespread recognition for its impact and fostering diverse grassroots collaboration. In this DRM Practitioner Spotlight

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Digitalizing Paper-Based Community mapping in the EVCA

Community mapping in paper-based formats is low-cost, technology-independent, that is easily facilitated, and adopted at the community level. However, the output can be less sustainable compared to digital map products. The digitalization of the community data comes with the loss of information and is time-intensive because the geolocation and therefore the exact location and extent

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Preparedness Voices: Caroline Holt, IFRC Director Disaster, Climate and Crises Department

Interview featuring Caroline Holt, IFRC Director of Climate, Disaster and Crisis, as she discusses what constitutes a well-prepared Red Cross Red Crescent National Society and how we can advocate for more investments in preparedness. Watch the video below to hear her insights on these vital capacities needed across Red Cross Red Crescent Societies globally.

Preparedness Voices: Caroline Holt, IFRC Director Disaster, Climate and Crises Department Read More »

Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing

The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, commonly experiencing floods, droughts, and typhoons. According to the latest assessment of the World Risk Index (2022), the Philippines is the country with the highest disaster risk in the world. The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance is a multi-sectoral partnership focusing on finding practical

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Volunteering in times of Crisis

1755 is the year when they say volunteering phenomena emerged. And then, this concept re-emerged, reformed and contextualized for various other industries other than the military. These days, it’s more of a Humanitarian Assistance for all professions. Since 2010, I have volunteered in various roles: writer, cyclist, career counselor, communication & media consultancies, environmentalist, and

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