
Nothing about us without us: Disability-inclusive disaster preparedness in Vietnam

The villages along the rivers Vu Gia and Thu Bon in Central Vietnam are flooded up to four times per year. This situation poses a great danger to people with disabilities, since mobility constraints, the lack of access to information and their marginalization in society makes them especially vulnerable. To include their needs and wishes

Nothing about us without us: Disability-inclusive disaster preparedness in Vietnam Read More »

Creating disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction models…for more information and to download the presentation. The session introduces key elements of initiative undertaken by Handicap International India to integrate persons with disabilities in disaster risk management (10% of world population by UN estimates). It shares achievements and challenges in bringing this invisible and excluded population to the mainstream DRM program and building

Creating disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction models Read More »

Chikungunya – Hard to pronounce, but easy to prevent

Chikungunya is similar to Dengue, but the fever and joint pain are more intense in the case of Chikungunya.Chikungunya cannot affect the same person twice.There is no vaccine.Generally it does not cause death, but more vulnerable persons and those with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, tuberculosis, among others, should be medically monitored because there

Chikungunya – Hard to pronounce, but easy to prevent Read More »

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