
Thematic Mapping for Disaster Risk Assessment in Case of Earthquake

This paper examines some problems that arise in thematic mapping for disaster management in case of earthquake due to the various types, structure and classification of data provided by various organizations. It represents some of the efforts performed within the framework of the university UACEG-CNIP research project dealing with a conceptual model for information system […]

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Challenges Facing Flood Resilience in a Former War Zone – Balkan Floods, May 2014

In mid-May 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia faced severe flooding, in some places the worst in 120 years. The floods killed approximately 80 people and affected the lives of nearly three million others. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, a member of our flood resilience alliance, provided food, water, clothes,

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Resolving Post-Disaster Displacement: Insights from the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)

Drawing on the rights-based approach laid out in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (IASC Framework) and reflected in many of the Philippines’ own domestic standards, this report analyses efforts to resolve the displacement crisis generated by Typhoon Haiyan.  According to the IASC Framework, durable solutions (whether return, local

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Humanitarian action after Nepal earthquake: agenda for IAP

Southasiadisasters.net, issue no. 131, May 2015 This issue of Southasiadisasters.net focuses on the theme of humanitarian action after the Nepal earthquake. The ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) is committed to effective implementation of the SFDRR in Asia Pacific region and the Nepal earthquake represents significant challenges to this. As South Asia grapples with yet another disaster,

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A Systematic Review of the Health Impacts of Mass Earth Movements (Landslides)

Mass ground movements (commonly referred to as ‘landslides’) are common natural hazards that can have significant economic, social and health impacts. They occur as single events, or as clusters, and are often part of ‘disaster’ chains, occurring secondary to, or acting as the precursor of other disaster events. Whilst there is a large body of

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The Story of Ebola

This animation—produced by Global Health Media Project in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNICEF, and Yoni Goodman—brings to life key messages that help people see and understand how Ebola spreads and how to protect themselves and their communities. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZI-FayZkvg  Download link: http://globalhealthmedia.org/videos/   Video Link

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Linking seasonal forecasts with disaster preparedness in the Pacific: from information to action

This new ‘Seasonal Rainfall Watch’ publication encourages Red Cross disaster managers to use seasonal forecasts for preparedness in the Pacific, helps them prepare for and respond to disasters and manage droughts and prolonged wet spells. Bureau of Meteorology, Australia – gov; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), 2015 Linking seasonal forecasts

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DRR song

This song is about what to do when the room fills up with smoke. we wanted to create a song that included an accurate and succinct message, delivered in an unforgettable melody produced to professional production standards. We are hoping to do the same with a video at some stage soon. Many thanks to James

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Think Tsunami

Excellent video, in Japanese with English subtitles, on the effects of powerful Tsunami and how we can best prepare for them. The video also highlights a lot of myths and mistruths about Tsunami behaviour that must be weeded out if lives are to be saved. From the Japan Meteorlogical Agency

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Nepal Earthquake Lessons 2015

This lessons paper aims to assist operational agencies responding to the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake. It provides 17 lessons drawn from experience of previous comparable disasters, based on evaluations, research papers and interviews with operational humanitarian practitioners. Key links to relevant information are provided after each lesson, with references provided at the end of

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