
Réponse aprés le séisme au Népal: Enseignements pour les agences opérationnelles

Le présent rapport sur les enseignements tirés a pour but d’aider les agencies opérationnelles intervenant après le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le Népal le 25 avril 2015. S’inspirant de l’expérience de catastrophes passées similaires, il propose 17 leçons tirées d’évaluations, de rapports de recherche et d’entretien avec les praticiens humanitaires opérant sur le […]

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Protected areas as tools for Disaster Risk Reduction. A handbook for practitioners

Disaster risk reduction (DRR) has therefore become a critical part of sustainable development strategies. The acronym DRR embraces a complex mixture of policies and actions, from education of civil society, through disaster preparedness strategies to engineering solutions ranging from construction of sea walls to building regulations that aim to protect cities against earthquakes. The following

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Heatwaves and Health: Guidance on Warning-System Development

Heatwaves are among the most dangerous of natural hazards, but rarely receive adequate attention. They often lack the spectacular and sudden violence of other hazards, such as tropical cyclones or flash floods. Even the related death tolls are not always immediately obvious. For example, the European heatwaves in the northern hemisphere summer of 2003 were

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Strategic Framework for Resilient Livelihoods in Earthquake-Affected Areas of Nepal : ICIMOD Working Paper 2015

This working paper aims to complement the Post Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA) of the Government of Nepal by providing insights into the livelihood dimensions of the earthquake and its socioeconomic and livelihood impacts. It explores the strategic choices and options for developing resilient livelihoods post-earthquake. It details a number of key elements of a strategy

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Chikungunya – Hard to pronounce, but easy to prevent

Chikungunya is similar to Dengue, but the fever and joint pain are more intense in the case of Chikungunya.Chikungunya cannot affect the same person twice.There is no vaccine.Generally it does not cause death, but more vulnerable persons and those with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, tuberculosis, among others, should be medically monitored because there

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Epidemic Preparedness in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the world’s most natural disaster- prone countries. Earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, landslides and volcanic activity pose a constant threat to the safety and wellbeing of millions of people living across the 13,700 islands of the archipelago As well as vulnerability to natural disasters, Indonesia continues to face outbreaks of endemic infectious diseases

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Overview of Natural Disasters and their Impacts in Asia and the Pacific, 1970 – 2014

Asia and the Pacific is the most disaster-prone region in the world. Geologically, the region is characterized by active tectonic plate movements in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, which have been the source of major earthquakes and tsunamis. In the past decade alone, a person living in Asia-Pacific was twice as likely to be affected

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Epidemic Preparedness in Myanmar

Myanmar is the largest country in mainland South-East Asia and is vulnerable to a wide range of hazards including floods, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis. Over the last decade the country has dealt with the devastating effects of Cyclone Nargis (May 2008); which severely impacted the Ayeyarwady and Yangon divisions, and Cyclone Giri that hit

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Nepal earthquake 2015: post disaster needs assessment

The report presents a comprehensive post disaster needs assessment exercise, launched simultaneously with response and relief efforts at the request of the Government of Nepal, with the objective to estimate damages and losses caused by the earthquake and to help identify recovery needs as well as strategy required for its implementation. The assessment exercise was

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