
Building Resilience: Integrating Climate and Disaster Risk into Development

This report presents the World Bank’s experience in climate and disaster resilient development, and contends that such development is essential to eliminating extreme poverty and achieving shared prosperity by 2030. The report recognizes, however, that such development requires additional start-up costs, which pay off in the long run if done correctly. Given this, the report argues for closer collaboration between the […]

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Hidden Cities: Unmasking and Overcoming Inequities in Urban Settings

The joint UN-HABITAT/WHO report Hidden cities is the result of an intensive collaboration between the UN-HABITAT head office in Nairobi, Kenya,and the World Health Organization. Broad physical, social and economic determinants influence the health of city dwellers. The natural and built environment influences the health of urban residents through geography and climate, housing quality, water and sanitation systems, air quality, and

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Annual Global Climate and Catastrophe Report Impact Forecasting — 2013

Global natural disasters in 2013 combined to cause economic losses of USD192 billion, 4% below the ten year average of USD200 billion. The losses were generated by 296 separate events, compared to an average of 259. The disasters caused insured losses of USD45 billion, 22% below the 10-year average of USD58 billion and the lowest total since 2009. In a

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Awareness to Action

On June 27–28, 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Red Cross (Red Cross) hosted a workshop to discuss how to improve preparedness messaging to encourage the public to prepare themselves and their families for a disaster. According to a series of surveys conducted by FEMA, the public today is little more

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Afet Yönetiminde Risk Azaltma ve Türkiye’de Yaşanan Sorunlar

 Turkiye’de 17 Ağustos ve 12 Kasım 1999’da yaşanan Kocaeli ve Düzce Depremlerinin (Marmara Depremleri) ortaya çıkardığı hasarın telafisi için yapılan yatırım büyüklüğünü hesaplamak ve bu maliyetlerin ortaya çıkmaması veya azaltılması için afet olmadan önce gerçekleştirilecek risk azaltma faaliyetlerinin önemini vurgulayan Uzmanlik tezi. 

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World Risk Report 2012

The WorldRiskReport (WRR) consists of an index, a priority topic and case studies. The index describes the disaster risk for various countries  and regions.The main focus of the report is on the threat from or  exposure exposure to natural hazards and the rise in sea level caused by climate climate change, as well as social

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AURAN report on tracking fire risk in informal settlement

This is a report of the African Urban Risk Analysis Network (AURAN) project implemented by the  University of Cape Town Disaster Mitigation for Sustainable Livelihoods Programme (DiMP) to strengthen efforts to mitigate informal settlement fires, which are an increasing priority risk in the City of Cape Town. The project specifically aimed at strengthening understanding of the drivers of risk

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