
The Weather of Hell: Experience of Italian Red Cross During 2023 Heat waves

2023 was officially named the hottest year on record, marked by scorching heatwaves across the globe. As the frequency and intensity of heatwaves are projected to rise, it is crucial to prepare and reduce risks to save lives. The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) asked National Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) Societies to reflect on […]

The Weather of Hell: Experience of Italian Red Cross During 2023 Heat waves Read More »

Japan spent decades making itself earthquake resilient. Here’s how

This story was prepared and originally published by National Geographic. Japan has earned a reputation as one of the most disaster-ready nations in the world due to its seismic codes and culture of preparedness, much of which was built on knowledge from previous disasters. Three days after a major earthquake shook the West Coast of

Japan spent decades making itself earthquake resilient. Here’s how Read More »

Effects of anticipatory humanitarian cash assistance to households forecasted to experience extreme flooding: evidence from Bangladesh

The 2020 monsoon floods in Bangladesh were among the most severe and protracted in decades. Instead of waiting for disaster to strike, the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society used impact-based forecast data to reach nearly 3,800 vulnerable households along the Jamuna River with a one-off unconditional cash transfer of BDT 4,500 (about $53) before peak flooding

Effects of anticipatory humanitarian cash assistance to households forecasted to experience extreme flooding: evidence from Bangladesh Read More »

Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing

The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, commonly experiencing floods, droughts, and typhoons. According to the latest assessment of the World Risk Index (2022), the Philippines is the country with the highest disaster risk in the world. The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance is a multi-sectoral partnership focusing on finding practical

Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing Read More »

West Pokot Community Engagement Study on Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis

Climate vulnerability and change can have significant impacts on regional, national, and local development efforts. In order to reduce these impacts and promote climate-resilient development, decision and development practitioners need to understand the climate vulnerabilities of the people, sectors, and community they are working with. Climate vulnerability can be determined by three interacting factors, namely;

West Pokot Community Engagement Study on Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Read More »

Volunteering in times of Crisis

1755 is the year when they say volunteering phenomena emerged. And then, this concept re-emerged, reformed and contextualized for various other industries other than the military. These days, it’s more of a Humanitarian Assistance for all professions. Since 2010, I have volunteered in various roles: writer, cyclist, career counselor, communication & media consultancies, environmentalist, and

Volunteering in times of Crisis Read More »

Hope amid the heat: Volunteers like Fatema Khatun help neighbors through sweltering heatwaves in Bangladesh

This story was originally published on the IFRC website, along with a video story. As the sun blazes mercilessly over Bajakajla Slum in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh, Fatema Khatun vividly remembers her childhood when the weather was different, and life was more comfortable. “When I was in primary school, the temperature was not so high, we

Hope amid the heat: Volunteers like Fatema Khatun help neighbors through sweltering heatwaves in Bangladesh Read More »

Never stop learning: ten years of the Flood Resilience Alliance in Mexico

At the heart of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance’s work is the knowledge that there are always opportunities to adapt and improve. In the second of our series marking ten years of the Alliance’s resilience action, the Mexican Red Cross team reflects on the benefits this approach has had in Mexico. The Mexican Red Cross

Never stop learning: ten years of the Flood Resilience Alliance in Mexico Read More »

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