
‘Emergent advocacy’ in long-term programming

After years of community-based work coupled with iterative sharing with local, regional, and national government actors, the Mexican Red Cross’ community brigades approach has been formally recognized by organizations and government at all levels. This achievement represents an important shift in how local flood risk management is approached. This case study shows how long-term, consistent

‘Emergent advocacy’ in long-term programming Read More »

La “incidencia emergente” en la programación a largo plazo

Tras años de trabajo basado en la comunidad, junto con un intercambio iterativo con actores gubernamentales locales, regionales y nacionales, el enfoque de las brigadas comunitarias de la Cruz Roja Mexicana ha sido reconocido formalmente por organizaciones y gobiernos a todos los niveles. Los logros representan un cambio importante en la forma de abordar la

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Pathways toward change: A model for growth Insights from the Mexican Red Cross’ Flood Resilience Program

This case study explores the model used by the Mexican Red Cross to set up their Alliance program for long-term operation, scalability, and impact. The details of the program’s growth and expansion are particular to the Mexican Red Cross’ experience, which are the result of in-depth collaboration with communities, socio-cultural dynamics, Red Cross working methods,

Pathways toward change: A model for growth Insights from the Mexican Red Cross’ Flood Resilience Program Read More »

Un modelo de crecimiento: las vías hacia el cambio Experiencias del Proyecto de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones de la Cruz Roja Mexicana

Este caso de estudio explora el modelo utilizado por la Cruz Roja Mexicana para la implementación, escalamiento e impacto del proyecto a largo plazo dentro de la Alianza. Los detalles del crecimiento y la expansión son particulares y resultado de una profunda colaboración con las comunidades, del entendimiento de las dinámicas socioculturales, del desarrollo de

Un modelo de crecimiento: las vías hacia el cambio Experiencias del Proyecto de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones de la Cruz Roja Mexicana Read More »

Indigenous knowledge, community resilience, and health emergency preparedness

In this Commentary, the authors reflect on the commonalities of Indigenous actions across multiple settings, recently synthesized at a COVID Observatories workshop at the Keystone Foundation in Kotagiri, India (March 19–21, 2023). The COVID-19 pandemic and the climate change emergency are among the greatest socioenvironmental crises of our time. These crises have exacerbated health inequalities,

Indigenous knowledge, community resilience, and health emergency preparedness Read More »

Expanding community resilience programs to urban contexts: Key considerations for resilience measurement

Expanding community resilience programs to urban contexts: Key considerations for resilience measurement A case study from Metro Manila, Philippines The world is becoming increasingly urbanized. Every week, approximately 1.4 million people are added to urban centers globally; an estimated two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. While cities provide access

Expanding community resilience programs to urban contexts: Key considerations for resilience measurement Read More »

Putting communities in the driver seat: Good practices from the Philippines

In the spirit of the localization agenda, the flood resilience project of the Philippine Red Cross accompanies, enables, and connects communities to become more resilient to floods and other hazards. We facilitated a participatory whole-of-community process to design evidence-based and risk-informed community resilience building interventions. In this process, community members could voice their needs and

Putting communities in the driver seat: Good practices from the Philippines Read More »

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