Waste management flyer – Red Cross of Montenegro

Between 2018 and 2024, the Red Cross of Montenegro, as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, worked to increase flood resilience in vulnerable communities. As part of this Alliance, the Red Cross of Montenegro worked in collaboration with the Zeta Municipality to prioritize environmental management actions and awareness to enhance flood resilience. This included a canal cleaning activity to ensure effective drainage system and the construction of a series of “Green Islands” or local waste management stations where community members can deposit and sort waste.

On the 22nd of April 2024, the Red Cross of Montenegro celebrated Earth Day together with the Zeta Municipality by carrying out a community cleanup activity with employees and volunteers. Additionally, waste management flyers were distributed to the local population with information emphasizing the importance of effective waste management practices and providing guidance on how to separate waste and where it should be deposited.

Waste management infrastructure for Zeta municipality

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