Global Disaster Preparedness Center

IFRC Disaster Law works with Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and governmental authorities to ensure that laws and policies relating to disasters and climate change consider the needs of the most vulnerable people and provide opportuniti...
Other type of resource

The Universal First Aid App was established in 2012, designed to be a 3-Phase rollout (pilot, scaling, run-and-maintain). GDPC has been well into Phase 3 for several years and is looking toward the future of the FA app, as both the needs of RCRC nati...
Guidance material

The Road Map to Community Resilience via EVCA provides step‑by‑step guidance on how to operationalise the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ Framework for Community Resilience using the EVCA process. It will help ...
Guidance material

The purpose of this Guide is to provide practical guidance to National Societies about how to strengthen their auxiliary role through domestic law, policies, plans and agreements. This Guide has a strong focus on sectoral laws, policies plans and agr...
Guidance material

National Societies are increasingly requesting technical assistance and guidance to develop, mainstream and institutionalize CTP preparedness. The majority of National Societies have already established general preparedness and contingency plans. Act...
Guidance material

This fact sheet is based on: 1) Recommendations captured in the environmental assessment after the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement response to the 2016 Sierra Leone Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic. 2) Learnings from environmental mainstreaming in hu...
Guidance material

The spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) is having wide-reaching impacts, and people affected by mental health conditions face unique challenges during this time. Even those without history of mental health conditions may feel heightened levels of stress...

By Joel Kitutu Uganda Red Cross Society with the support from Netherlands Red Cross is implementing an Innovative Approaches in Response Preparedness (IARP) project for a period of 5 years (2018 – 2022). This will be achieved through three proj...

Facing and enduring a natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood, or tornado can be a frightening and challenging experience. It’s also a fact of life for most people who live in the Southeast United States. During times of disaster, it’s import...