Karin Metz
Berlin, Germany
Karin is currently working with the IFRC and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) in support of the Alert Hub Initiative. Previously, she worked both at American Red Cross and IFRC as Knowledge Management and Research Officer. Karin holds a Master Degree in Geography from the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany and Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.
Report, Research
This report summarizes the results of a study on teh implications of social media analysis tools for disaster preparedness focusing on the Asia Pacific region. Two methodological approaches were performed, including an online survey and in-depth int...
This report summarizes the findings of a comparative review of social media analysis tools and how their functionality can support for disaster preparedness and risk reduction work. Over the last years social media analysis tools have increasingly be...
The aim of this paper is to provide a review of current literature as a foundation for informing practice and policy of humanitarian actors. Given the emerging nature of this topic, there is also a focus on identifying gaps in documentation and secto...
Report, Research
This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by the University of Peradeniya in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience Institu...
Report, Research
This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by the University of Development Studies, Ghana in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Res...
Report, Research
This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by the University of Development Studies, Ghana, in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Re...
Report, Research
This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by Jimma University, Ethiopia in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience InstituteÂ...
Report, Research
This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by Jimma University, Ethiopia in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience InstituteÂ...
Report, Research
This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by Jimma University, Ethiopia in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience Institute a...