IFRC Health & Care
Awareness material
The overarching aim of this guidance is to ensure maternity care providers can deliver respectful and individualised antenatal care services that promote the safety of women, families and health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Awareness material
The impact on acute care services in settings with under-resourced health systems is likely to be substantial during COVID-19 impact. Maternity services should continue to be prioritized as an essential core health service, and other sexual and repro...
Awareness material, Guidance material
Scientific article about breastfeeding when COVID-19 positive
Awareness material
Information Note on Non-communicable diseases and COVID-19 developed by the World Health Organization.
Other type of resource
Infographic on Non-Communicable Diseases and COVID-19 developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)
Guidance material
Community-Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) – COVID-19 Toolkit includes a Prevention game. Find a list of materials to implement this activity with the community. English Directions Game Tools Stories examples French Directions Game Tools Ar...
Awareness material, Game
“House in the islands”: Dangers is a game made in collaboration with Global First Aid Reference Centre and French Federation for Domestic Risk Poster to print in English and French.
Selon les statistiques, il y a plus de blessés suite à des accidents domestiques que suite à des accidents de la route. C’est pourquoi ce jeu a pour objectif de faire prendre conscience des dangers de la maison ainsi que de présenter les mesure...
Awareness material, Game
Cards game to raise awareness of first aid and prevention measures at home. Made in collaboration with Global First Aid Reference Centre and French Federation for Domestic Risk Prevention. Available in English and French.