143 campaign – Philippines

Red Cross 143 is a local organiziang campaing sponsored by the Philippine Red Cross to increase community engagement at the barangay (smallest district) level in the Philippines.

Red Cross 143 encourages each brangagy to establish a group of community volunteers where 1 serves as a leader and a minimum of 43 members are trained in various areas of competencies such as disaster management, health, welfare services, voluntary blood donation, first aid, and community organization.

143 comes from mobile phone texting shorthand for “I love you’ and ties into volunteering as a way to show love and respect for the community.

The campaign is currently active.

Source: Philippine Red Cross.

143 section on the Philippine Red Cross site

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red_cross_143_program_guide.pdf 989 KB
red-cross-143-program-3.pptx 7 MB

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