A Concept for Creating Mobile Games for Enhanced Disaster Preparedness in Cooperation with Local Communities

This paper shows how educational games for enhanced disaster preparedness can be created in cooperation / collaboration with local communities. The specific case presented discusses how students from the local university (here: La Plata National University in La Plata, Argentina) created such games as part of a university programming course. The games were subsequently used as part of an exhibition on local disasters.

Published as: Klafft, M., Harari, I., Dudzinska-Jarmolinska, A., Bustos, R. A. G., & Duarte, S. B. (2022). A Concept for Creating Mobile Games for Enhanced Disaster Preparedness in Cooperation with Local Communities. In M.-A. Kaufhold, C. Reuter, T. Comes, M. Mirbabaie, & S. Stieglitz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Mobile Resilience: Designing Interactive Systems for Crisis Response (pp. 7–11). TUprints. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International.

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