A Practical Guide to Cash-Based Responses

This manual shares Adeso’s experience to assist relief workers to efficiently and effectively undertake appropriate cash-based responses. To ensure effective targeting of beneficiaries (i.e. that the most food-insecure, or vulnerable, households benefit), Adeso has developed the Inclusive Community-Based Targeting (ICBT) approach, proven to be an effective targeting methodology. The manual highlights the ICBT approach and introduces good practices.

This manual highlights some practical problems that are faced by implementation teams around the world. It is intended to assist cash project teams to improve their own programs and be more able to deal with field issues.

As a practical implementation guide, this manual explains the steps involved in undertaking cash-based responses according to the ‘Project Cycle’, discusses the guiding principles that are central to Adeso’s approach and to humanitarian action in general, and provides risk mitigation methods and possible solutions to common fi eld problems. 

– Adeso, 2012

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