ACAPS preliminary Briefing Note on Typhoon Hagupit

ACAPS preliminary Briefing Note on Typhoon Hagupit
Category 5 Typhoon Hagupit, locally known as Ruby, made landfall on the evening of 6 December over the town of Dolores in Eastern Samar province (Eastern Philippines). This may be the first of at least six landfalls the typhoon may make between 6 and 8 December. Hagupit’s 600km diameter means that about 50 million people are living in vulnerable areas. Hagupit is moving very slowly, which has the potential to increase the overall impact of the storm, as each community in the path of the typhoon will be subject to high winds and torrential rainfall for much longer. At least 49 of 81 provinces are potentially at high risk. As of 7 December, only Albay province in Bicol region has been declared in a state of calamity. 
This ACAPS preliminary Briefing Note on Typhoon Hagupit features the Crisis Overview, Key Findings, Expected Crisis Impact, Early Warning and Disaster Preparedness, Aggravating Factors, Key Characteristics of Host Population and Area, Response Capacity and Lessons Learned. 
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