#actnow. Save Later

Since the year 2000, almost 1 million people have lost their lives to disasters caused by natural hazards. 2 billion people have been affected. 1 trillion dollars in damage was caused. Every one dollar spent on preparing for disasters could save seven dollars in response. Yet, the international community is spending only 1% of aid on disaster preparedness. We can’t prevent disasters, but we can help prevent the human tragedies they cause. Join our campaign, #ActNow, Save Later!


Produced by: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Learn about OCHA’s work on Emergency Preparedness Play this disaster simulation game and learn how you can help prevent: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Learn about UNDP’s work in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Risk Management Donate for Preparedness: Essential steps you can take to prepare for disasters:

Animation by Ataboy

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