24 Mar 2015
This educational comic for children and youth focuses on drought, issued as part of a series of A Road to Resilience in Southeast Asia comics covering 7 hazards (drought, earthquake, fire, flood, hygiene promotion, tsunami, typhoon and cyclones). The...
Tags: Awareness material
06 Feb 2014
The NRRC Review was commissioned by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) within the Government of Nepal (GoN) and had the backing of key stakeholders to the consortium. The Review’s primary purpose, as stated in the TOR, is: to take stock of the cur...
Tags: Report, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
15 Jun 2015
This synthesis paper informs the development community about the effects of climate change on migration patterns within and out of developing countries, concentrating on the economic aspects of migration. Empirical evidence shows that people in devel...
Tags: Report, Climate Change Adaptation