07 Mar 2015
The advance of the agricultural frontier and inadequate agricultural practices have contributed to environmental degradation in the sub-watersheds of the Tapacalí and Inalí rivers in the department de Madriz, Nicaragua. Meanwhile, a lack of knowle...
Tags: Case Study, Climate Change Adaptation, Drought, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Wildfire
13 Jan 2017
. This ‘resilience scan’ summarises writing and debates in the field of resilience during the third quarter of 2016, focussing primarily on the context of developing countries as well as gender equality and resilience. The scan will be of particu...
Tags: Research, Urban Preparedness
01 Mar 2016
This report presents the key insights and findings from a Comparative review of the First Aid App funded by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC). The study was led by Trilateral Research (TRI), with support from Fraunhofer Institute for Ope...
Tags: Research, Mobile Technology