20 Jul 2015
The villages along the rivers Vu Gia and Thu Bon in Central Vietnam are flooded up to four times per year. This situation poses a great danger to people with disabilities, since mobility constraints, the lack of access to information and their margin...
Tags: Video
13 Apr 2015
Proyecto Resiliencia en las Américas (RITA) – Nicaragua, ejecuta su acompañamiento en las comunidades Carreta Quebrada, Paso Real, El Madroño, La Campana y el Barrio Julio Buitrago. Consideramos que cualquier comunidades puede estar prepara...
Tags: Video, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
27 Oct 2013
Protecting your property from earthquakes can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining your building to installing protective devices. The US Federal Emergency Management Agency has put together a variety of short guides to speci...
Tags: Guidance material, Earthquake