Alone and Unsafe: Children, migration, and sexual and gender-based violence

A new IFRC report titled “Alone and Unsafe: Children, migration, and sexual and gender-based violence” details the elevated risk of sexual violence for unaccompanied and separated migrant children at every stage of their migratory path.  The number of children migrating alone, the report estimates, included more than 300,000 in 2017 – a substantial increase over the previous decade.

In addition to providing a statistical look at sexual and gender-based violence against unaccompanied migrant children, the report examines some of the risk factors and circumstances that make them particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse.  The report further explores the ways that protecting such children has become a “blind spot” for many governments and aid organizations and some of the barriers to adequately prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence against this group.  Finally, it outlines recommendations for governments and aid groups to better prevent and address the problem in the future and advocates for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration as a means to ensure the protection of all people migrating, especially unaccompanied children. 

IFRC: “The world is failing” child migrants at risk of violence, exploitation and sexual abuse

IFRC: “The world is failing” child migrants at risk of violence, exploitation and sexual abuse

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