21 Aug 2015
The story is set in a mix of rural Rwanda and Burundi, it follows a mother’s narration of her children Kanyange and Kagabo going through varying levels of malnutrition. The story is meant to create awareness on the symptoms, treatment and the eleme...
Tags: Video, Public Awareness and Public Education
05 Jul 2023
2023 Heat Action Plan developed by Nepal Red Cross Society for the city of Nepalgunj. The Heat Action Plan (HAP) provides a framework for implementing, coordinating and evaluating extreme heat action across different timescales in Nepalgunj to minimi...
Tags: Awareness material, Report, Climate Change Adaptation, Heat Wave, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness
31 Mar 2016
The Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning reviews typical steps in the city-level climate action planning process in light of a proposed set of globally applicable principles. These principles, shown below, developed through a robust an...
Tags: Guidance material, Climate Change Adaptation, Urban Preparedness