Asia Pacific Making Cities Heat Resilient 2022 Report

On May 17 the IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and partners hosted the “Making Cities Heat Resilient Meeting”, welcoming over 550 participants from local government, RCRC National Societies and Youth, UN and Intergovernmental agencies, Research and Academia.
The meeting coincided as South Asian cities and towns continued to experience the hottest temperatures on record in 122 years. As a product of climate change, the Asia Pacific may expect heatwaves to continue to increase in frequency and intensity, including in countries which have historically remained unaffected. The 1st IFRC Regional Meeting in 2021 explored the cross-cutting physiological and socio-economic impacts of heatwaves.
Building upon regional heatwave leadership and momentum, the Asia Pacific Making Cities Heat Resilient 2022 meeting, in partnership with ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Global Disaster Preparedness Centre and the Global First Aid Reference Centre IFRC APRO Making Cities Heat Resilient 2022 meeting was dedicated to moving from understanding to action. Participants were introduced to a range of available resources and opportunities for networked engagement to scale up regional heat resilience in cities and towns. Specifically, Part 1 “Understanding” set the stage with an overview of the Asia Pacific heat risk context, followed by Part 2, “Action”, featuring voices from Cities, Red Cross Red Crescent Societies and expert practitioners.
The following report captures key lessons learned and highlights spanning policy, science and humanitarian practice.
Read the full IFRC Asia Pacific Making Cities Heat Resilient 2022 Report here.
Access the Making Cities Heat Resilient PPT presentations here.