Bangladesh community radio: Hello Red Crescent – We Listen to You

In December 2014, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Swedish Red Cross, launched its first ever live call-in radio programme. Since July 2015, the programme has been regularly broadcasted through community radio stations in Kurigram and Barguna districts, making it possible to reach around 800,000 people with information on disaster preparedness, shelter, livelihood, water and sanitation, hygiene & health, and other development issues.
The radio show facilitates active participation through listeners’ clubs where community members can discuss and select topics which reflect their interests and concerns. Listeners also have a chance to call in to ask questions to guest experts or give their feedback on the show. The radio programme has enabled BDRCS to strengthen two-way communication and engagement with communities, and encourage positive behavioural change among communities.

Bangladesh community radio: Hello Red Crescent – We Listen to You

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