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Awareness material
26 May 2016
Article by Pablo Suarex, who works with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, on unusual options for communicating climate risks and humanitarian work, including through collaboration with artists. Source: Pablo Suarez, 2016. Climate Risks, Art...
Tags: Awareness material, Climate Change Adaptation, Public Awareness and Public Education
09 Jan 2015
Forests provide an estimated one billion people globally with nutritious foods. Their products are consumed directly by people living in and around forests and are also sold, generating income for rural populations. In this way, forests and trees on ...
Tags: Video, Food Security
Guidance material
05 May 2016
Public campaigns that aim to mobilise people to take action are a powerful tool used by the Red Cross Red Crescent and a variety of other social organizations in their efforts to prevent and alleviate human suffering. Campaigns are employed toward...
Tags: Guidance material, Behavior Change and Disaster Preparedness, Communication As Aid, Early Warning Systems, Public Awareness and Public Education
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