Beneficiary Communication in Haiti

In a disaster, information can be as valuable as water, food or shelter. The Red Cross is using tools such as radio and SMS to provide people with simple but life-saving information that can help them to prepare for, survive and then recover from future disasters.

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Related Resources

Case Study
11 Mar 2014
This study, published by the  Brookings and IOM examines the question of durable solutions to displacement in Port-au-Prince, recognizing that the challenges faced in Haiti may be a source of insight for responses to other urban, post-disaster displ...
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25 Nov 2014
THE CBHFA approach seeks to create healthy and resilient communities. It impowers volunteers and individuals to take charge of their own health. 
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Awareness material, Report
23 Sep 2015
Crowdsourcing integrated with crisis maps has been a powerful tool in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. Future crowdsourcing applications must provide capabilities to better manage unstructured messages and enhance streaming data. Enhancem...
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