Building Capacities: Volunteers and Youth in Asia Pacific

Building Capacities: Best Practices in Asia Pacific – Volunteers and Youth (1/5)

The vast majority of human resources of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies are volunteers. In all their diversity, both young and old, from all backgrounds, ethnicities and social groups, they are the lifeblood of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. 

National Societies have found different ways of recruiting and motivating volunteers and youth using the 7 Fundamental Principles as a guide. They should be provided with support so that they can play clear roles with relevant new skills, and they should always be recognized and rewarded.

When focusing particularly on young volunteers, improving the relevance of Red Cross and Red Crescent work for them should begin with the young people themselves by paying close attention to their ideas. 

In this five films series, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies profiles organizational best practices in Gender and Diversity, Resource Mobilisation, Youth and Volunteers, Participatory Planning, and Community and Branch Development. Building Capacities features insights and interviews with volunteers, beneficiaries and leaders from Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies including Australia, Cambodia, Mongolia and Nepal. The series was produced by the Asia Pacific zone under the direction of the Organizational Development unit..

Related videos:

Part 2/5 – Resource mobilisation in Asia and Pacific:… 

Part 3/5 – Gender & diversity in Asia and Pacific:…

Part 4/5 – Community and branch development:…

Part 5/5 – Participatory Planning:… 

More information:

Year: 2009
Duration: 20 minutes 46 seconds

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