07 Aug 2015
Le présent rapport, fruit d’une collaboration entre le Groupe de travail du Conseil de direction sur le volontariat et le Secrétariat de la Fédération, vise à dresser un bilan du développement du volontariat depuis 1999. Il donne un aperçu g...
Tags: Report
01 Apr 2014
Case studies of the VCAs undertaken in Armenia, 2010. The locations include: Arapi; Azatan; Beniamin; Mets Mantash; Nor Kyanq; Panik; Pemzashen; Sarnaghbyur.
Tags: Report
18 Oct 2017
This report was developed to introduce Japanese disaster simulation drills as a model to help other countries plan and implement disaster simulation drill exercises. The main objectives of this guideline are to: 1. Provide an overview of the institut...
Tags: Awareness material, Report