15 Jun 2015
This synthesis paper informs the development community about the effects of climate change on migration patterns within and out of developing countries, concentrating on the economic aspects of migration. Empirical evidence shows that people in devel...
Tags: Report, Climate Change Adaptation
13 Dec 2023
Cette étude de cas rend compte des expériences de la Croix-Rouge du Burundi travaillant sur «Améliorer les systèmes d’alerte en cas d’urgence pour sauver des vies – Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et engagement des parties pr...
Tags: Case Study, Early Warning Systems
26 Nov 2014
An 8.6 magnitude earthquake struck 437km off the coast of Indonesia’s Banda Aceh on Wednesday, sparking a tsunami alert across the Indian Ocean region. The quake provided a test for the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) earl...
Tags: Video, Early Warning Systems, Earthquake, Tsunami