25 Jul 2018
The overall purpose of the Nairobi workshop was to increase the familiarity and knowledge of the RCRC family in building resilience in informal settlement areas in high-risk urban settings. The workshop was designed to be interactive and highly parti...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness
08 Oct 2013
Der Bericht erläutert und analysiert die Erfahrungen mit dem Umgang mit dem Elbhochwasser im Jahr 2002. Basierend auf einer genaueren Betrachtung der Handlungs- und Abstimmungsdefiziet in dem Umgang mit dem Hochwasserereignis und einer Situationsana...
Tags: Report
24 Sep 2013
This World Bank report offers not only a summary of the disaster risks in Colombia but also the opportunities to articulate disaster risk management in current planning, investment and monitoring and control instruments. It makes the case for definin...
Tags: Report, Risk Transfer and Disaster Management