09 Apr 2019
The host of the 2019 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop is the Secretariat of Civil Protection of Mexico City. The Workshop will be at the Justice Superior Court of Mexico City at Niños Héroes 121, Col. Doctores 06720, Ciudad de...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems
25 Sep 2020
This scoping study, undertaken from October to December 2019, aims to inform priorities and actions of the German Red Cross (GRC) in relation to humanitarian assistance in the urban context. In doing so, the scoping study took stock of existing liter...
Tags: Awareness material, Report, Research, Mapping and Geospatial Data, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness
02 Dec 2015
The Social Cohesion project – an action-research project commissioned by World Vision, explores the causes and consequences of tensions between refugees and host communities to propose better short and longer term solutions for humanitarian and dev...
Tags: Case Study, Report, Research, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness