15 Jan 2020
The agenda of the CAP Train the Trainers session, 13:30 – 14:30 on 28 September, is provided here. If you plan to participate in this training, consider having a laptop PC for the CAP-206 lesson. That lesson is a hands-on exercise using the cloud-b...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems
09 May 2017
Managing urban areas is one of the major development challenges of the 21st century. While the increasing attention to the urban food insecure is evident, effective information gathering guiding humanitarian response and targeting remain a challenge ...
Tags: Report, Livelihoods and Food Security, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness
27 Aug 2013
In November 2010, the IFRC commissioned Arup International Development (Arup ID) to undertake a study of programmes implemented after the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 in order to “identify and document lessons learned in implementing at scale C...
Tags: Report