23 Mar 2015
This study reflects an awareness of the need to see disasters as primarily social, rather than natural, phenomena. This view acknowledges the fact that humans can act and take decisions to reduce the likelihood of a disaster occurring or, at the very...
Tags: Report, Risk Assessment
08 Sep 2017
The agenda of the CAP Training Day, 19 September, is provided here. If you plan to attend this training, please also consider bringing your laptop PC, provided you have administrative privileges to install software. You would then have the option to ...
Tags: Training material, Early Warning Systems
25 Sep 2013
يرى هذا التقرير أن ممارسة إدارة مخاطر الكوارث هي إحدى السمات المحددة للمجتمعات القادرة على الصمود ومجابهة الكوارث ومن ثمّ فإنه ينبغي دمج...
Tags: Report, Earthquake, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management