24 Mar 2015
Finance for reducing disaster risk: 10 things to know focuses on the basics of DRR finance and the opportunities that the Post-2015 development finance landscape can offer. In the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction – the successor to t...
Tags: Report
24 Mar 2015
This report outlines UNDP’s engagement in implementing the HFA and highlights the results that it has achieved in the years 2005–2014. Based on the report, ‘Protecting Development from Disasters: UNDP’s Support to the Hyogo Framework for Acti...
Tags: Report
24 Mar 2015
This White Paper is the fifth in a series whose purpose is to ensure that the IEC can continue through its International Standards and Conformity Assessment services to solve global problems in electrotechnology. The White Papers are developed by the...
Tags: Report, Infrastructure and Services, Urban Preparedness