21 Apr 2015
Module 4: Settlements This module recognizes the importance of settlements in the provision of humanitarian assistance. It stresses the importance of switching the unit of analysis from the household to the settlement level to have greater effectiven...
Tags: Training material, Video
30 Sep 2013
(Community Based: Disaster Preparedness (CBDP) and Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction for the Volunteer Corps: A Training Module. First edition (2008). Bahasa Indonesia) Gathered from IFRC South-East Asia’s Road to Resilience sit...
Tags: Training material
15 May 2020
Impliquer les migrants et les personnes déplacées dans les activités de préparation et de réponse à la pandémie de COVID-19 Lignes directrices à l’intention des Sociétés nationales de la région du Sahel – version 1.0 (20 mars 2020) Inc...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)