16 Oct 2014
The 2014 World Disasters Report takes on a challenging theme that looks at different aspects of how culture affects disaster risk reduction (DRR) and how disasters and risk influence culture. The report asks, for example, what should be done wh...
Tags: Report, Video, Community Engagement and Accountability, Risk Assessment
17 Aug 2015
On December 26th 2014, the tenth anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Sri Lankan Mobile Network Operator Dialog unveiled version 2 of is Disaster and Emergency Warning Network; DEWN v2. Developed in the aftermath of the 2004 disaster, DEWN v1 uti...
Tags: Case Study, Early Warning Systems, Mobile Technology
23 Aug 2022
En octubre y noviembre del 2020, en México, una serie de frentes fríos y dos ciclones detonaron graves inundaciones en los estados de Chiapas, Tabasco y Veracruz. En el estado de Tabasco, durante el mes de noviembre, se registró una importante pre...
Tags: Report, Flood, Infrastructure and Services, Post-Disaster Recovery, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness