02 Mar 2020
The Philippines is the twelfth most populated country in the world and is ranked third globally in terms of its vulnerability to natural hazards. The Philippines is especially prone to hydrometeorological events with floods accounting for over 80...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, Report, Research, Flood
06 Apr 2023
With 3 out of 4 people owning a mobile phone (in 2022), mobile networks have become a powerful communication channel to alert populations about an imminent hazard. Despite this, many countries have yet to implement a mobile-based Early Warning System...
Tags: Awareness material, Early Warning Systems
12 May 2014
The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) is facilitating the development of a post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through a consultation process involving many stakeholders. To contribute its substan...
Tags: Report