Case study 1 – Step by Step towards Climate Change Adaptation

In the last 20 years, Nicaragua has been the fourth country most affected by extreme weather events worldwide (Germanwatch Report, 2014). The country is investing in humanitarian aid to respond to emergencies caused by hydro meteorological events, and to mitigate disaster risks and climate change impact, which have an effect on socio-environmental development nationally. In the Department of Madriz, the behavior of precipitation indicates the likelihood of droughts at least once every three years. In the Northern Caribbean Coast, the main risks are floods and hurricanes, which are occurring with greater frequency and intensity.

Estrategias municipales de adaptación al cambio climático: Las Sabanas y Cusmapa , V Climate Change Forum in Nicaragua (2013), VI Foro Nacional de Cambio Climático (2014), Primer Foro Regional Segoviano: Café y Cambio Climático, 2014, Foro regional de cambio climático en Estelí, 2014, Foro regional de cambio climático en Puerto Cabezas (RACCN), 2014,,,,,

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