Case study 2 – Inalí River and Tapacalí River Sub-watersheds: Ideal Territorial Units to Implement Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Ecosystem Management and Restoration Processes

In the Madriz Department, the Partners for Resilience (PfR) Partnership is working in 28 vulnerable communities in four municipalities (Somoto, San Lucas, Las Sabanas, and San José de Cusmapa) of the Inalí and Tapacalí rivers sub-watersheds, tributaries of the Coco River. A total of approximately 20,000 people live in both territories. Inhabitants face typical problems of the Central American Dry Corridor: their livelihoods depend largely on the rains, which are increasingly unpredictable due to climate variability and climate change, and they face a recurrent and severe risk of drought.

Partners for Resilience programme in Nicaragua – watershed management – Sept 2013 , Graduation – watershed management diplomas – Somoto – 13 Dec 2013 , Swearing in of river basin management committees (Tapacalí & Inalí) , Tapacalí es vida (versión larga), Tapacalí es vida (versión corta),,,,

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