Case Study: Getting the word out: Women emergency responders in Bangladesh pass message on, train others

In Bangladesh, histories of oral traditions have laid the foundation for community training in emergency response. A strong colloquial culture in folklore and story telling makes a compelling case why community training is practical and effective. In many cases, knowledge equates to power.
Within these traditions, women have a central role in passing on knowledge to others as provider and educator of their households. Similar to the CADRE’s trainers’ approach, women’s interaction is highly engaged and may at times include role-play or re-enactment of event.
Women’s participation in training others in emergency response is demonstrated to have a lasting effect, long after the course is finished. As illustrated in this Case Study, women are putting their course to the test as they disseminate their knowledge to other community members. On their own, they are holding trainings with very limited resources.
Studies have demonstrated that women are among the most vulnerable in times of disaster. Understanding that women are particularly vulnerable in times of emergencies, the CADRE course ensures 50% female participation and encourages women to take a lead as course instructors.
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center- Website:
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