Climate Information and Early Warning Systems Communications Toolkit

This toolkit provides national hydrometeorological services, policy makers, and media and communications for development practitioners with the tools, resources and templates necessary to design and implement an integrated communications strategy. It defines goals for the issuance of early warnings, and creation of improved climate information products and supportive communications strategies. These supportive strategies serve to engage actors, build political support, engage the private sector and present a true value proposition to end users.

The toolkit explores best practices, defines roles and expands on the tools that are necessary to create an integrated communications strategy. It features a step-by-step outline to create response protocols and issue early warnings, address challenges and opportunities, define messages and stakeholders, package early warning systems, and engage with individual media and other relevant actors. There is a communications strategy template and TORs template that can be used by projects and practitioners to generate integrated communications strategies. While this communications toolkit is tailored to the specialized needs and political contexts of sub-Saharan Africa, it can easily be applied to other developing nations.

UNDP, 2016

Online Report

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