Community Risk Assessment Toolkit

The ProVention Consortium in its Community Risk Assessment Toolkit has collected and analysed 35 CRA case studies from Asia, Latin America, Africa and Small Island Developing States.

Key findings were:

  • Partnerships between NGOs and local government enhance the effectiveness of the assessment and action planning process (see case study 1 ).
  • Multi-hazard approaches are feasible and are more rewarding in the long run.
  • Using a livelihood approach in CRA has important benefits.
  • A blending of local and external knowledge is often highly effective in reducing risk.
  • CRA can also be used successfully in complex situations where there are multiple issues to be addressed in addition to risk reduction, such as community development, poverty reduction and conflict resolution (see case study 2 ).
  • It is vital to plan monitoring and evaluation at the design stage and collect sufficient baseline data before risk reduction activities start.
  • Participatory approaches can also be used in post-disaster situations (for damage and needs assessment and recovery planning).

CRA Toolkit

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