Cost-benefit Analysis of Climate-resilient Housing in Central Vietnam

This study applied a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to quantify the economic benefits of long-term, safety-related measures put in place for storm-resilient housing in Vietnam. The results of the CBA show that the possible returns on investment would be positive and high, which implies that investing in storm‑resilient houses can be economically viable.

Key findings include: 

– Returns would highly depend on the year when a storm event would take place. If an event would happen early in the housing lifetime, positive returns would be gained from the investment.

– From a private perspective, positive returns would encourage households to invest in housing resilience. 

– Storm-resilient housing would have high benefit-cost ratios.

– In order to encourage individual investment, the government should consider offering assistance to households that agree to undertake appropriate climate-resilient housing.

Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), 2016 



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