03 Sep 2020
This is the presentation by Nofar Peled Levi and Adi Mano on 29 September, 2020, at the CAP Implementation Workshop hosted by ITU as a video conference.
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems
13 Oct 2021
Shqipëria është një vend që preket shpesh nga përmbytjet, reshjet e dendura dhe infrastruktura jo adekuate kanë rritur ashpërsinë e përmbytjeve gjatë 15 viteve të fundit kryesisht në zonën veri-perëndimore dhe jug-perëndimore ( konkre...
Tags: Awareness material, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
05 Jun 2015
This publication presents a set of practical guidelines that are designed to support National Societies in developing the processes, systems, teams and individuals involved in preparing for and responding to disasters. The guidelines acknowledge that...
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Video, Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management