12 Feb 2016
This brief focuses on a few components of Mercy Corps’ broader PRIME (Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion) portfolio in Ethiopia, highlights lessons learned, and offers insights for other development programs that ...
Tags: Case Study, Climate Change Adaptation, Livelihoods and Food Security
15 Jun 2015
The purpose of this report, our first Sustainable Cities Index, is to take 50 of the world’s most prominent cities and look at how viable they are as places to live, their environmental impact, their financial stability, and how these elements comp...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness
07 Apr 2021
In order to appropriately respond to nuclear disasters which might happen in the future, the JRCS has clearly defined a code of conduct in the Manual and the Guidelines. For example, in the event of a nuclear disaster, JRCS relief teams conduct relie...
Tags: Guidance material, Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies