Developing Disaster Recovery Frameworks

What is the Disaster Recovery Framework Guide?

The World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) has worked together with the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to produce this Guide to Developing Disaster Recovery Frameworks. Disaster Recovery Frameworks (DRFs) complement Post-Disaster Needs Assessments (PDNAs) or other such assessments and continue guiding governments and other implementation stakeholders in the recovery prioritization, detailed planning, implementation and monitoring. The Guide is primarily based on good practices compiled from country experiences in disaster recovery and through collaboration with international advisory and technical working groups constituted for the development of the Guide. This Guide is intended to be a practice-based and results-focused tool that assists governments and partners in planning for efficient, effective and resilient post disaster recovery. The Guide lays out processes and good practices for developing disaster recovery frameworks to assist governments in detailed recovery planning at the inter-sectoral and programmatic levels. While the guide has been developed primarily to help governments plan multi-sectoral programmatic recovery following large scale disasters, it can be used in response to smaller scale, recurring disasters. The Guide provides key planning and decision-making processes for the development of recovery policies and programs, but does not necessarily cover the full breadth of the actual implementation of recovery.

Report from European Commission, World Bank, UN Development Programme, GFDRR 

Published on September 2014.

Developing Disaster Recovery Frameworks

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