Disaster and Financial Planning

Disaster preparedness begins with a well-crafted personal financial plan based on your family’s values and goals. Ideally, you should develop a financial strategy with the help of professionals such as your family attorney and a financial specialist. These professionals can help you make informed, thoughtful decisions about your family’s present and future financial activities.

Every disaster situation is unique, but there are some general crisis mitigation actions that all households should take to prepare for unexpected challenges.

This guide provides suggestions for and information about:

  • Developing a general family disaster plan, including creating a disaster supplies kit, assessing your property’s disaster vulnerability and creating evacuation and communication plans.
  • Protecting your property , including having adequate insurance and implementing mitigation efforts.
  • Protecting your health and life, including understanding what is and is not covered by health, disability and life insurance policies.
  • Protecting your loved ones , including estate planning and creating a living will.
  • Protecting your income, including managing debt and understanding government benefits after a disaster.
  • Protecting your records, including what to keep and how to store it.
  • Recovering from a disaster, including what to do on a financial basis in the event of a disaster.

Disaster and Financial Planning

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