eCBHFA Training Module: Community Mobilisation (English)

The module aims to provide content appropriate for trained eCBHFA volunteers to provide basic knowledge and skills to:

  • Community members
  • Family members whose family members

The material can be used in community meetings, during household visits, and one-on-one discussions with community members anywhere in the community.

Materials in English:

Access the Community Mobilisation Complete Volunteer manual

Access the Community Mobilisation Complete Facilitator guide

Access the Community Mobilisation Tools

You may also access the individual topics of this module below:

  1. Communicating & building relationships
  2. Sensitising the community to eCBHFA in action 
  3. Community resources 
  4. Community tools 
  5. Health system strengthening
  6. Vulnerable populations

The material contains numerous tools, games and activities to engage community members to understand how a RCRC volunteer becomes a leader in their community to empower community members to identify and address issues in the community. Volunteers also learn how they are the critical link between the community and the local health systems while also recognising the need to identify and serve vulnerable populations.

NSs can also request a copy of the material in Word or InDesign to adapt and/or translate for your local context. More on Epidemics Control for Volunteers Training Manual in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, find it here.

The module and accompanying tools can be used for development programming and preparedness for use in training staff and volunteers and community members.

Please use and disseminate it widely.

Find this training module in Russian.

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