Environmental Field Advisor Deployment in an Emergency Response

After a massive influx of refugees from Myanmar into Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh, an Environmental Field Advisor (EFA) has been deployed to help cope with the environmental impact and ensure emergency response activities do not further exacerbate damage to the area.  The deployment comes as part of the IFRC’s Green Response Initiative, which seeks to improve the environmental outcomes of its emergency response activities.

So far, the EFA in Bangladesh has contributed to increased awareness of environmental issues and small-scale improvements at the camp.  By focusing on solutions that improve environmental outcomes and avoid disrupting programmed activities, an EFA can increase the effectiveness of response activities, speed recovery of the affected community, decrease likelihood of future disaster events, and reduce externalized environmental costs passed on to the host country.

The deployment comes as part of the IFRC’s Green Response Initiative, which seeks to improve the environmental outcomes of its emergency response activities.



2018 Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction

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